What is Premarital Counseling & How Does it Work?
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What is Premarital Counseling & How Does it Work?

Every year, over 2 million people get married in the United States. Plenty of couples choose to tie the knot, but many of them fail to seek premarital counseling before doing so.

There’s a lot of confusion out there regarding premarital counseling. Many people are unsure what it is, and whether they need it.

These questions, and others about premarital counseling, are discussed in more detail below.

What Is Premarital Counseling?

Premarital counseling is a unique form of counseling. It is geared toward couples getting ready for marriage.

This type of counseling can help partners to learn more about each other. It can also assess their compatibility, and ensure that their relationship is strong and healthy. Premarital counseling can also help them to identify potential weaknesses that could hinder their ability to have a lasting marriage.

What Topics Are Covered in Premarital Counseling?

Couples and counselors work through a variety of topics during their Premarital Counseling sessions. The following are some common issues that tend to come up:

  • What marriage means to each partner
  • Individual goals
  • Combined couple goals
  • Expectations for the relationship
  • Expectations regarding finances
  • Location and homebuying plans
  • Plans and expectations for resolving conflicts



Gay Friendly Premarital Counseling

Is Premarital Counseling Religious?

Some religious leaders offer premarital counseling. Certain religions may even require couples to complete a specific number of counseling sessions before their marriage can take place and be recognized by the church.

However, premarital counseling doesn’t have to take place in a religious context. Plenty of traditional counselors also offer premarital counseling services. This includes Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (or LMFTs), which do most couples counseling.

At ALL IN Therapy Clinic, we do not offer religious-based services. However, many of our couples counselors are Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists.

How Much Does Premarital Counseling Cost?

If a couple is receiving premarital counseling from a church leader, it may be available to them free of charge.

When seeking counseling from a therapist or another type of counselor, costs typically range $125 to $175 per hour. Some counselors may offer a discount if couples book a certain number of sessions, though.

Does Insurance Cover Premarital Counseling?

Marriage counseling and premarital counseling typically aren’t covered by insurance. This is because “relationship issues” aren’t considered mental health diagnoses.

There are some potential ways to work around this barrier. Using out-of-network benefits can help cover the cost. However, most people end up paying out of pocket for their premarital counseling.

It can be expensive to pay out of pocket up front. The advantages outweigh the costs for many couples, though.

If Premarital Counseling is part of a client’s overall mental health counseling, Premarital Counseling may be covered by insurance.

How Long Does Premarital Counseling Last?

Premarital counseling generally lasts for about 8-10 weeks. The couple and counselor meet once per week, on average.

Some couples might choose to speed up the process and meet twice a week for a shorter period of time. Or, a couple might go slower if they plan on having a long engagement.

When they schedule their first session, you and your therapist can work together to figure out a timeline that works well.

What Is Prepare/Enrich Counseling?

Prepare/Enrich Counseling can be used for premarital sessions, couples counseling sessions, family therapy, and more.

Prepare/Enrich counseling starts with a customized couples assessment that identifies two people’s strengths, as well as the areas in which growth is needed. The assessment covers a variety of topics, including the following:

  • Communication
  • Conflict resolution
  • Partner roles
  • Sexuality
  • Financial management
  • Spiritual beliefs
  • Personality
  • Couple and family dynamics
  • Relationship roles

Based on the assessment results, a trained facilitator will then provide feedback sessions.

During these sessions, they’ll discuss the couple’s results, offer guidance, and teach relationship skills. This process will help them to navigate the ups and downs of marriage.

Is Premarital Counseling Worth It?

Most couples say that, yes, premarital counseling is worth it. They’ve found it to be beneficial to their marriage and would recommend it to others.

The following are some of the most noteworthy reasons why a couple might consider premarital counselling:

Improved Communication Skills

A lack of communication is one of the most common reasons for divorce. Fortunately, many people who attend premarital counseling improve in their communication skills.

Couples counselors have years of experience and education under their belts. This is what makes couples counseling so effective. They know what is needed to improve couples’ communication and teach them about different communication.

Learn to Confront Challenges Head-On

Premarital counseling gives couples a chance to identify and address potential challenges head-on.

Let’s say you and your partner has a different idea about how finances should be handled. Then, you should address these differences before getting married. This is better than after when you go to the bank to create a joint checking account.

With the counselor’s help, the partners can talk through these obstacles and come up with a solution that works for everyone. In many ways, Premarital Counseling is as effective as Marriage Counseling and Discernment Counseling.

Plans for the Future

Premarital counseling allows couples to create a clearer vision of what they want for the future, too. They can talk to each other and to their therapist about their goals and dreams. Then, they can work together to create a plan for how they’re going to achieve them.

Learn More About Each Other

When they attend premarital counseling, partners can learn more about each other before they commit to spending the rest of their lives together.

Two partners might assume they know everything there is to know. However, when they sit down and start talking to the counselor, they may learn answers to questions they never would have thought to ask.

Increased Marriage Satisfaction

Some research shows that couples who go through premarital counseling are more likely to have happier marriages. This, in turn, can reduce their chances of getting divorced later on.

Couples who completed premarital counseling experienced a 30 percent increase in marital satisfaction.

References & Resources


Disclaimer: ALL IN Therapy Clinic aims to improve people’s lives through providing effective mental health counseling by passionate professionals. We publish information for your own education. Our publications are researched, cited, reviewed, and edited by licensed mental health professionals. The information provided is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of a qualified healthcare provider.

Written and reviewed by

Dr Kyle Zrenchik, PhD, ACS, LMFT

Dr. Kyle Zrenchik is the Co-Founder of ALL IN, the Creator of the Couples Erotic Flow model for treating sexual issues in individuals and couples, Designer of the Deep Dive programs at ALL IN, and is one of the most well-respected couples counselors in the Twin Cities.

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