Emotional Regulation and Dysregulation: Calming the Storm
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Emotional Regulation and Dysregulation: Calming the Storm



Emotional dysregulation is a serious issue, especially for those who struggle with Borderline Personality Disorder. This and other mood disorders affects about 1-3 percent of the general population according to Current Psychiatry Reports.


The issue of emotional dysregulation is often misunderstood. It’s easy for those who don’t deal with it to wonder why others can’t simply “control their emotions” or “keep it together.”


The more people learn about emotional dysregulation, the easier it is for them to respond with empathy.


In the case of those who have trouble regulating emotions, increasing their knowledge can also help them to experience less self-judgment and learn healthy coping mechanisms.


Below are answers to some of the most common questions people ask about emotional regulation and dysregulation.




Table of Contents

Why Is it So Hard for Me to Control My Emotions?


This is a common question among those who struggle with e