What Is Somatic Healing or Somatic Experiential Therapy
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What Is Somatic Healing or Somatic Experiential Therapy



Although the concepts that guide it have existed for more than a century (according to this study from the book EMDR as an integrative psychotherapy approach), somatic therapy or somatic healing is still a relatively new approach that professionals are using to address mental health challenges.


For those who are skeptical about its effectiveness or how it works, answered below are some of the most frequently asked questions about somatic psychotherapy, as well as the benefits it provides to those dealing with chronic pain, health issues, and those who have experienced trauma.




Table of Contents

(click on a question to be directed quickly)

What is Somatic Psychology?
What are the applications and benefits of Somatic psychology?
What is Somatic Experiencing Therapy?
Does Somatic Therapy really work?
Is Somatic Experiencing Therapy pseudoscience?
How do you find a Somatic Experiencing Therapist?







What Is Somatic Psychology?


Somatic psychology is also known as somatic healing, somatic therapy, somatic experiencing, or sensorimotor psychotherapy. Regardless of what it’s called, it is a holistic and body-oriented form of therapy.


Somatic psychology incorporates all aspects of a person, including the mind, body, emotions, and spirit, into the process of healing trauma and addressing mental health conditions.


Those who practice somatic psychology believe that a wide range of factors can contribute to a person’s physical functioning and emotional state.


For example, they believe that thoughts, beliefs, and feelings can all impact physical health and physical pain. They also believe that physical factors like diet and exercise can contribute to a person’s mental and emotional health. Further, you can access and treat the physical manifestations of psychological pain.


In short, in the world of somatic healing, everything is connected, and there is not a clear division between the mind and the body. Treating someone means treating all of them.



What Are the Applications and Benefits of Somatic Psychology?


Therapists who practice a somatic approach utilize many of the same approaches used in traditional talk therapy. However, because they believe in the connection between the mind and body, they also incorporate additional techniques. This includes encouraging clients to pay more attention to what’s going on within their bodies and the unique tensions the body holds.


Issues like trauma, stress, and other psychological concerns can all influence the nervous system. This, in turn, can contribute to physical issues, including digestive discomfort, hormonal imbalances