Most couples that experience infidelity do not end their relationship because of it, despite what most people may believe. However, couples may not heal from infidelity despite staying together. Depending on how you define “survive”, the answer to that question may change. When infidelity happens, couples can take one of 4 routes.
1- They end it immediately. This often signifies that there were other underlying issues and the infidelity was too much for the relationship to bear. There are a small percentage of couples that were otherwise happy and stable that go this route, but those are rare. These couples, or at least one partner, knows that it is over and proceeds quickly.
2- They end it after a short period of time. The shock of the infidelity may be overwhelming and one or both partners needed time to really think about what that means for their relationship. Maybe they have kids to think about, or shared property, or they are formally married. They usually are committed to each other in some way, and leaving is a big consideration with big consequences.
3- They stay together but don’t heal. These couples, for a variety of reasons, desire to stay together and may try to work it out. This can range from simply ignoring it all together, to talking about it and trying to directly address it. But, at some point, they realize that they are not going to get what they need from the other person to fully learn and heal, so they stop trying. In this case, the infidelity becomes a festering wound and the couple never gets past it.
4- They stay together and work through it. These couples, for a variety of reasons, believe that, despite how badly the infidelity hurts, they don’t want to lose their relationship. These couples tend to be really intentional about addressing the infidelity. They read, learn, talk, and make intentional changes as a couple. They each may go through a different process, but they also feel like this is something they are going through together as a couple. These couples heal, and transform, so they make it on the other side of infidelity stronger, and with a sense of understanding, forgiveness, and a renewed sense of trust.