Grieving the Loss of a Parent
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Grieving the Loss of a Parent



What does it feel like to lose a parent?


To start, it will greatly depend on the relationship you had with your parent. Did you have a really close relationship with them, or were you more distant? Were they a part of your everyday interactions or did they live far away? This information is important because the nature of your relationship can greatly impact HOW you grieve. However, no matter the relationship, or lack thereof, it is grief, which means it is messy and often at times incredibly painful. If that is where you are now, don’t be alarmed or ashamed, you are likely in the right place. 



What are the stages of Grief when losing a parent? 


The 5 stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. These stages are accompanied by a variety of emotions, which often add to the messiness of a person’s grieving process. Keep in mind it is not uncommon to feel many emotions at the same time nor is it uncommon to bounce between stages, especially at the beginning of the healing process.



Can you get over the loss of a parent?


Get over? Let’s rephrase, Can you heal, feel joy and live your life to the fullest -YES. Can you have meaningful relationships while still remembering and missing your loved one – YES. Like any experience, a loss of a parent shapes who you are as a person, similarly to how they shaped who you are in this very moment. The goal is not to get over it, but rather to feel, process and heal. 




How do I deal with the loss of a parent?


Simply put, you feel your feelings, you find support, and you process the messiness of your loss. Navigating the process of losing a parent is often complicated. So, if you feel out of your depth or like you don’t know where to turn, again, don’t be alarmed, you likely just need some support and maybe someone to help guide you through the process