People typically obtain a Chemical Use Assessment under three conditions.
First, they are interested: These clients are considering addictions treatment. They are wanting to complete a comprehensive evaluation and, in turn, are looking for an objective opinion and a comprehensive plan. Also, they also may need advice in choosing the right treatment for them as inpatient addictions treatment is very expensive.
Second, they are required: The Court may order someone to complete a Rule 25 Assessment. This can be part of a legal judgement, a divorce proceeding, a lawsuit, or a settlement agreement.
Last, they were advised: Clients may have been advised by their attorney, their therapist, or some professional in their life to complete a Chemical Health Assessment.
In all three, there should have been someone, either the client or another, that observed problematic behavior related to Drugs or Alcohol.
A Rule 25 Assessment should not be seen as a punishment, nor should be used to coerce someone. Instead, a Rule 25 Assessment should be a private assessment and report provided to the client.