Carissa is a gifted and talented therapist and has a very calming and centering vibe about her. She is the type of person that is up for talking about, addressing, or accomplishing just about anything. She’s “go with the flow” in all the best ways. This is what makes her such a perfect fit for teens and young adults as she goes at their pace.
Carissa very open-minded and sincere in her warmth and calming energy. The thing that she needs from her clients, though, is willingness. She needs her clients to be willing, to be engaged in making their own change. For clients that are serious about making real change in their lives, Carissa is a warm and friendly therapist to work with.
She is particularly passionate about working with teens and young adults and comes to ALL IN with a tremendous about of experience working with these folks.
Her clients like her, we like her, we’re pretty sure her cat likes her… Carissa is great. She would be a real asset for anyone looking for a relaxed, insightful, kind, and warm therapist.