What Is Green Therapy?

Our lives in the present times have become quite fast-paced, thanks to a technology-driven world. The constant stimulation from technology can create a disconnect from nature though a powerful link between well-being and nature exists. Therefore, in the chaos, people often seek natural ways to enhance their mental and physical well-being. Green therapy is one

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What Is An Interdependent Relationship?

Connection is something we all yearn for. Strong relationships strengthen and improve our lives, whether they be romantic or platonic. However, there is a range of dynamics within that relationship. At one extreme is independence, when people value being self-sufficient. Conversely, codependency encourages an unhealthy degree of dependency on one’s partner. The ideal state of

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A Guide To Women’s Second Puberty

Many people believe that puberty is a one-time occurrence that is experienced in adolescence. However, many women go through a lesser-known event later in life that’s sometimes called “second puberty”. In this article, we will discuss the changes that coincide with second puberty, what it means and how treatment can help women get through this

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When Does A Man Emotionally Mature?

A man’s “growing up” is frequently associated with physical changes and life events such as starting a family or getting a career. But emotional maturity is a different road, and many men struggle with it for the majority of their lives. It might be difficult for men to understand emotional maturity. In this article, we

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What Is A Trial Separation?

Even the most stable marriages might encounter obstacles from time to time; love can wane and communication can break down. Couples frequently ask themselves whether it’s time to call it quits when issues appear unsolvable and animosity mounts.   However, a trial separation may provide an opportunity to pause, consider and decide on the best

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Establishing Achievable Goals For Academic Success

Learning may be a difficult road with both triumphant and frustrating moments. You’re not the only one who struggles sometimes in school. Many kids encounter challenges while trying to succeed academically. The secret is to identify the underlying causes of the difficulty, establish realistic objectives, and create plans of action to keep moving forward. In

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Different Types Of Advocacy

In essence, advocacy is the skill of standing up for our beliefs—whether they are those of others, ourselves, organizations or our principles. It is the act of openly endorsing a subject or an individual (Olatunbosun & Wilby, 2022). Protection of rights, policy reforms and social transformation are all motivated by it. It’s about speaking up

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Exploring The Healing Power Of Art And Self-Expression

Things in life can get unpleasant. We face obstacles, go through an assortment of emotions, and at times words just can’t explain what’s going on within. Sometimes, unconventional forms of coping like self expression through art can be a means to healing. In this article, we will explore how art possess transformative power and how

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Understanding Binge Eating Disorder and Common Eating Disorders

Eating disorders have a profound affect on an individuals everyday life and their physical and emotional well-being. Their relentless obsession with food, weight and body image, as well as their abnormal eating habits, define them.   With millions of victims worldwide, binge eating disorder (BED) is one of the most prevalent eating disorders (National Institute

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When Dream Betrayal Sparks Conflict In Reality

Dreams are those peculiar stories that play out in our heads as we sleep having a strange influence on our waking lives. Sometimes, the content of our dreams can hit too close to home making you question your reality. You are suddenly awake, your heart is racing, your blankets are all knotted and you’re enraged

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